We have been learning about Cristobal Colon!
Columbus song
Colon se va de viaje,
Chiribin Chiribin, Chin Chin!
Colon se va de viaje,
No se cuando vendra
Aja aja! Aja aja!
No se cuando vendra
Tres carabelas pequenas
Chiribin, chiribin, chin chin!
Tres carabelas pequenas
La reina le dara
Aja aja! Aja aja!
La reina le dara!
En Palos de Espana
Chiribin chiribin chin chin
En Palos de Espana
Colon se embarcara
Aja aja, aja aja!
Colon se embaracara!
Y con sus marineros
Chiribin chiribin chin chin
Y con sus marineros
Dos meses viajara
Aja aja, aja aja
Dos meses viajara
Columbus went on a trip
Chiribin chiribin chin chin
Columbus went on a trip
Don't know when he'll be back
Aha aha, aha aha
Don't know when he'll be back!
Three tiny little ships
Chiribin chiribin chin chin
Three tiny little ships
The queen will give to him
Aha aha, aha aha
The queen will give to him
From Palos of Spain
Chiribin, chiribin chin chin
From Palos of Spain
The journey will begin
Aha aha, aha aha
The journey will begin
And with all of his sailiors
Chiribin chiribin chin chin
And with all of his sailors
The trip will last 2 months
Aha aha, aha aha
The trip will last 2 months